When a document is recorded into the Official Records of Eagle County with an identity that is being monitored, an email will automatically be sent to the provided email address. Please note: This service applies only to documents recorded after sign up. To search documents already recorded under your name, click here.

Property owners can sign up for this free, optional Recording Notification Service at their own discretion. Eagle County accepts no liability or responsibility for the accuracy of the service. Signing up for this service is not a substitute for a property owner’s responsibility to independently monitor public records. Neither Eagle County, nor its elected officials, agents or employees agents shall be liable for any errors or damages in connection with the use of the Recording Notification Service. By choosing to utilize the Recording Notification Services, the user expressly accepts these terms and conditions.

For additional information on this service, email recording@eaglecounty.us or call 970-328-8723.

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Get Registered Identities In 3 Steps

STEP 1: Enter your email address.
Email address:
STEP 2: Click the Submit button.
STEP 3: Check your email for a list of registered identities associated with the provided email address.



To subscribe, click here.


To unsubscribe, click here.


To edit an existing subscription, click here.


If you receive an alert, a document has been recorded that includes a name you are monitoring. The alert will provide you with a document instrument number. Click here to search the online Official Records or click the link in the email to view the document. If you suspect you are a victim of fraud, contact local law enforcement.

For assistance, please contact the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder at 970-328-8723.